Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Poem- Indian Weavers by Sarojini Naidu/ Appreciation

                                            Indian Weavers
                                                                        Sarojini Naidu
About the Poetess
                                 Sarojini Naidu was born on 13th February 1879 and died on 2nd March 1949. She was a great patriot, political activist, orator and feminist. She took an active part in the Indian Freedom Struggle. She became the first Indian woman President of The Indian National Congress. She also got an opportunity to be the first woman Governor of Agra United Province. Her work as a poet earned her the sobriquet ‘Nightingale of India’. Her poetry depicts the beauty of India. She speaks about customs, traditions, various festival, and riots of people from different castes, creeds, classes and also professions.
Appreciation of the poem
                             The poetess makes use of question and answer method in the presentation of this poem. Indian Weavers is a short poem consists of 3 stanzas having 4 lines each. The poetess describes three stages of life. Three times of the day represent three stages of life. And three colours indicate moods. The weavers are happy and joyful at the break of the day, their mood is cheerful, enjoying and energetic in the evening but they appear to be calm, serious and sorrowful at night.
In the first stanza, the poetess meets weavers who started their work of weaving early in the morning. According to the poet .......... click here
          for more appreciation and 12th activities.
