Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Organic Farming

                                       Organic Farming

                                               keep us & nature healthy

                              Organic Farming is an agricultural system in which traditional seeds and biological fertilizers are used. Biological or Organic fertilizers are derived from animal and plant wastes. organic fertilizers such as compost manure, green manure help to keep the soil alive and in good health. They also keep eco-balance.  They enhance soil fertility. They replenish nutrients taken from the soil by previous crops.
                           There is no place for synthetic/artificial fertilizers. Artificial fertilizers increase production temporary but have numerous adverse side effects. We are likely to fall prey to various harmful diseases such as asthma, diabetes, cancer....... they deteriorate soil fertility.
                              In Organic Farming, techniques or methods such as crop-rotation, mixed cropping, companion planting are used. Weed is suppressed instead of eliminating it. 
                        Today, People are more health cautious. Organic food and products are in great demand. They are ready to pay more money for Organic products.
                          If one wants to go for Organic Farming, he/she has to face challenges such as increase yields, maintain eco-balance and reduce prices while meeting the climate change. Here we understand recently, why do people want to turn to Organic Farming.

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